Sothanaigal was started on July 25, 2018, by the Ex-team members of Mic Set. It has acquired 1.24 Million subscribers and 36,310,402 video views. They have uploaded 22 videos as of now ( February 08, 2020 ), most of the videos are Sothanaigal series which is also in Mic Set playlists. Both the teams are well-known for this series.
Both got separated due to some personal issues. However, the quality of content remains the same for both teams. Sothanaigal team also working on Album Songs, Short Films, etc.., Hope we will see this clan also in Silver Screen. Some important cast behind the clan success are listed below and its featured series are also listed
Sothanaigal Casts
Marvin Praveen Gokul Veera Vasanth
Sothanaigal – Featured Videos
They release lots of series and random videos of general topics at least five in a week. Some of the best series are listed out here
Random Series
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